Nora is a frivolous lier. Helmer"Not to taste one sweet?" Nora said "no, of course not" (page 151) I wonder how she would feel if he lied to her? I do understand why she acts a certain way but it doesn't give her the right to lie. Her husband should think more of women, let alone his wife. "Nora, Nora ! Just like a women ! but seriously, Nora, you know what I think about that sort of thing" (pg 149) I think Helmer is a pretty good man but not so much a good husband. He gives her money to squander. He shows good morals when he talks about Krogstad because he doesn't sympathize with him. Krogstad knew what he did was wrong.
I felt as thought Nora is self-centered because when Mrs. Linde comes and talks about her hardship. All Nora can think about is her advancement in life. I think that Mrs.Linde should go out with Dr.Rank because they are both down on their luck and could pick each other up. In real life it is said "to get over somebody, find someone new"
First Post by Tuesday, 11:59PM
9 years ago
I don't think Mrs. Linde and Dr. Rank should go out because if Mrs. Linde isn't over her husbands death than she should obviously wait since it's her choice and not just Dr. Ranks
yeah thats true she is a liar,but I don't think she is self-centered. And that a crazy idea about Mr.Rank's and Nora going out, because in there times there is no such thing as divorce.
I agree completely with your statements about the characters. Nora does say little lies to her husband and wastes a lot of money.
Your right about Nora being self- centered. when Mrs. Linde had all those problems all Nora could think about was herself. She can't changing the topic to her all the time.
I agree with you i think that Helmer is a terrible husband he has some really good morals for life and people could learn from him but he doesn't know how to treat a woman.I don't think Mrs.Linde and doctor Rank should go out because she just lost her husband and DR.Rank is dieing of T.B. so when he dies she would just end up going through it again and that's not good for her.
i commented on sajada, jennica, john and meghan blog
You make a good point about Torvald being a good man. I never really thought about it that way because the only thing that pops out to everyone is who he treats Nora like a child. I definitely agree that he also has good morals.
I completely agree with Nora being a liar. I mean i get you want to protect your husband but you couldn't just tell him that from the first place?
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