Friday, March 30, 2012


Nora leaves out in one swift motion
Helmer: She'll be back, I don't need her she needs me....

Nora arrives at Dr.Rank's doorstep and hesitates to knock
Nora (to herself):what if he doesn't want a loud mouth obstinate woman like me?

The door opens and a woman appears
Woman: May i help you?
Nora: Yes, I've come to see Dr.Rank
Woman: Oh..have you?
Nora: Yes, may i ask who you are?
Woman: I'm an old friend of Dr. Rank's. He's not well enough for a surprise visit
Nora: May i just see him
Woman: No

Nora feels a shower of rage run over her
Nora: I have left my husband and children for him and myself to be together...why must you keep us apart?!!!
Woman: I do think you should have a moment for don't look well
Nora: Can i please just see last time?
Woman: Ugh..alright

The woman opens the door just enough to allow Nora to slip through
Woman: He's in the back but don't take long
Nora:Thank you
Nora gradually makes her way past the corridors lamps and painting. She finally arrives at his bedroom door.
Nora (with a deep breath): Hello Dr.Rank
Dr.Rank looks at Nora as if looking at an angel...
Dr.Rank: Hi
Nora: May i sit?
Dr.Rank: Yes Yes please do
Nora: I have left Torvald and the children ...i must find myself
Dr.Rank sits up and listens attentively
Nora: I was hoping to find myself with you
Dr.Rank (with a chuckle): Oh Nora I'm dying how could you-
Nora: You have shown me that love can overcome anything...maybe even death
Dr.Rank: Nora I can't
Nora:You can't?
Dr.Rank: No, you must go...

The woman enters the room
Woman:Its time for you to go
Nora:Very well
Nora leans over and kisses Dr.Rank. Dr. Rank turns away and she leaves.
Woman: Who was that?
Dr.Rank: Oh nobody just the love of my life...


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