Friday, March 30, 2012


Nora leaves out in one swift motion
Helmer: She'll be back, I don't need her she needs me....

Nora arrives at Dr.Rank's doorstep and hesitates to knock
Nora (to herself):what if he doesn't want a loud mouth obstinate woman like me?

The door opens and a woman appears
Woman: May i help you?
Nora: Yes, I've come to see Dr.Rank
Woman: Oh..have you?
Nora: Yes, may i ask who you are?
Woman: I'm an old friend of Dr. Rank's. He's not well enough for a surprise visit
Nora: May i just see him
Woman: No

Nora feels a shower of rage run over her
Nora: I have left my husband and children for him and myself to be together...why must you keep us apart?!!!
Woman: I do think you should have a moment for don't look well
Nora: Can i please just see last time?
Woman: Ugh..alright

The woman opens the door just enough to allow Nora to slip through
Woman: He's in the back but don't take long
Nora:Thank you
Nora gradually makes her way past the corridors lamps and painting. She finally arrives at his bedroom door.
Nora (with a deep breath): Hello Dr.Rank
Dr.Rank looks at Nora as if looking at an angel...
Dr.Rank: Hi
Nora: May i sit?
Dr.Rank: Yes Yes please do
Nora: I have left Torvald and the children ...i must find myself
Dr.Rank sits up and listens attentively
Nora: I was hoping to find myself with you
Dr.Rank (with a chuckle): Oh Nora I'm dying how could you-
Nora: You have shown me that love can overcome anything...maybe even death
Dr.Rank: Nora I can't
Nora:You can't?
Dr.Rank: No, you must go...

The woman enters the room
Woman:Its time for you to go
Nora:Very well
Nora leans over and kisses Dr.Rank. Dr. Rank turns away and she leaves.
Woman: Who was that?
Dr.Rank: Oh nobody just the love of my life...


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Act 2

Dr.Rank said "Please you mustn't punish me like this. If you'll let me I'll promise I do anything for you that a man could" (195) In act two you could feel the tension building up between Dr. Rank and Nora. As they flirt you could tell they what to be together. As for Mrs.Linde, she is willing to ask a favor of someone for the sake of her friend. Krogstad is a low life bully. He put Nora in a bad position when he leaves the letter in the mailbox. It wasn't enough that he threatened her but now he is putting her life in jeopardy. Nora said " seven hours to midnight. twenty-four to midnight tomorrow. Tarantella will be over. twenty-four and seven..... thirty-one hours to live." (206)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Nora is a frivolous lier. Helmer"Not to taste one sweet?" Nora said "no, of course not" (page 151) I wonder how she would feel if he lied to her? I do understand why she acts a certain way but it doesn't give her the right to lie. Her husband should think more of women, let alone his wife. "Nora, Nora ! Just like a women ! but seriously, Nora, you know what I think about that sort of thing" (pg 149) I think Helmer is a pretty good man but not so much a good husband. He gives her money to squander. He shows good morals when he talks about Krogstad because he doesn't sympathize with him. Krogstad knew what he did was wrong.

I felt as thought Nora is self-centered because when Mrs. Linde comes and talks about her hardship. All Nora can think about is her advancement in life. I think that Mrs.Linde should go out with Dr.Rank because they are both down on their luck and could pick each other up. In real life it is said "to get over somebody, find someone new"

Monday, March 5, 2012

Henrik Isben

Henrik Isben was born in the small town of Skien in Southern Norway. He had six siblings and he was was the second oldest son. He was born into a wealthy family. He became a father in the year of 1843, but he wasn't married to the woman. Later he published his first play named Catilina While writing plays he found love with a woman named Suzanna Thoresen. They only had one kid together a boy, Sigurd.

Years later the theater went bankrupt and the Isbens had to move to make a living. Him and his family moved from place to place until a tradegy  happened. He had a stroke in 1900 and he wasn't able to write anymore. He wrote about social isolationa and their classes. A Dolls House has brung great respect to Henrik's name.